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Do it right from day one with the help of Scalac’s experience
Do it right from day one with the help of Scalac’s experience

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    How to manage remote employees

    Do it right from day one with the help of Scalac’s experience

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    The role of remote work has grown rapidly in recent days. The global situation caused by the COVID-19 virus has forced companies to switch to working remotely. Scalac has worked using this model since we first appeared on the market – working with international clients (100% in our case) and 120+ employees from different countries and time zones. Why have we decided to share our experience and practices? Because we know that for some companies, especially at the beginning, it might not be the piece of cake you think it will be. We also know that properly implemented remote work can bring a lot of benefits to your business. The key to success is to create a company culture based on trust and openness, supported on a daily basis by practical work organization solutions. Yes – we do believe that working from home is more than just an option, we believe it’s a kind of philosophy,  a culture of work.

    In this guide, you’ll learn: 

    1. How remote work can create opportunities for your company 
    2. How to manage remote recruitment and onboarding 
    3. Tips on how to help remote workers increase productivity
    4. What managers can do to connect meaningfully with remote team members