Senior Scala Developer

cost to hire scala developers
At least
3 years of Scala experience
5 years
At least
5 years of programming experience
cost to hire scala developers
16 050 to 28 000 PLN
net/month on B2B
(or equivalent in USD/EUR)

This varies and depends on your experience and skills, and will also grow alongside your skills. You can count on regular and open discussions on this subject. We take a fully transparent approach to this matter. A contract of employment is also possible (Poland).

Senior Scala Developer for hire

How will your day at Scalac look like?

scala developer jobs
Kafka consulting
Flexible work mode

Imagine waking up in the morning (early as a bird or rather somewhere around noon, whatever “morning” means to you, we will respect that).

Senior Scala Developer – Health and Insurance Project for hire
Remote work

You drink your first cup of coffee wherever and however you like it best – it could be a cappuccino with hand-whipped foam in your own kitchen, an espresso as black as your ex’s soul from a coffee machine in our office, or one of the coworking spaces, or one of those trendy hipster coffees in your favorite coffee shop – however, you want it, the choice is yours. (It could even be coconut water under a palm tree as well – just saying ;))

software agency
Knowledge sharing

You start your day checking the weather conditions in Brazil, Portugal, Lithuania, and San Francisco because some of your teammates are there. These are top Tech Pros, eager to share their weather updates with you as well as their expertise (not only within the projects you’re working on together but also at our regular knowledge sharing sessions, internal and external training and conferences). By the way, you can check the weather in 24 countries everyday if you are a home-grown meteorologist – we have people in all of these places ;))

kafka stream scala
Individually tailored development path

Just after lunch, you take a break (green juice this time as you’ve been limiting your coffee intake recently, or you can stick to the coconut water if you prefer) to have a meeting with one of the nicest Talent Heroes you’ve ever met. She has been taking care of your individual development needs and supporting you on your dream development path since the day you joined Scalac. Today, you are discussing how to use your 4,000 PLN of yearly development budget and company support for you following your Speaker’s role (you’re still wondering whether to choose the Mentor’s or Writer’s path).

hire dedicated scala developer

You finish your day by hanging out with folks from the Scala community who are taking part in one of Scalac’s Meetups for Scala Community (it could be a  Functional World we host or one of many more we support). You have a great discussion with them about the recent open-source projects we support and end your day positively inspired (or if you happened to be a speaker, with a job-well-done feeling proud that you inspire others).

What are the benefits?

scala developer jobs
4,000 PLN ($1,060) net
dedicated to your personalized development budget
3 extra days off
for development
National holidays bonus
depends on location, B2B
1,000 PLN ($265) net
dedicated to developing your language skills (English)
Unlimited book budget
You choose the equipment
you want to work with. We make sure it's the best and update it regularly

Technologies that we work with

Join us and give yourself an opportunity to touch on some cutting-edge technologies.

scale application

Scala ecosystems: Akka , ZIO, Typelevel

Kafka consulting

Libraries: Akka, ZIO, Cats, Spark, Play, Slick

hire dedicated scala developer

DBs: RDBMS, MongoDB, Redis, Cassandra, Elastic Search

Scala agency

Messaging: Kafka, RabbitMQ

Scala development

Architecture: Microservices, DDD, Event Sourcing, CQRS

software development poc

Cloud providers: AWS, GCP

best practices in software development

Infrastructure: Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform

What do we expect from you?

hire dedicated scala developer

Good programming and testing practices.

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English at an advanced level, as our clients are from the US (Silicon Valley) and Western Europe.

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Excellent communication skills, so you can communicate well with the technical team and our clients.

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Being a real team player.

software development poc

A proactive approach, “can do” attitude, growth mindset, problem-solving skills.

Scala agency

Independence in your tasks and decisions, while keeping the rest of the team in mind.

Recruitment process - transparent and super friendly:

During this meeting, we talk about the recruitment process, our work and what makes Scalac such a unique place to work.
It is also a chance for you to share information about your experience with us and ask questions about the company – feel free to ask about anything, we will gladly answer all your questions.
We understand that you want to work in a place that meets your needs.

scala developer jobs

If the first stage will meet the needs of both sides, you will be invited to the technical recruitment part of the process.

On the day that you would choose, you will receive from us a task to solve, which was prepared by our team. You will have 3 – 7 days to complete it (time depends on the position, for which you applied for).

best practices in software development

The next stage is a technical conversation with a developer or a person from a team that you would work in.

It usually takes about an hour. We will ask about technical and practical issues related to daily tasks you would be dealing with in a position that you are applying for.

Kafka consulting

After the technical conversation, if both parties are still open to cooperation, there is only one more stage that awaits you, which is a conversation with our CEO.

You will have a relaxed conversation to get to know each other and check if there is a good culture fit from both sides.

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hire scala programmers

Get to know us better

For 10 years, our international team of over 100 developers has been helping large and small companies (from FinTech, Blockchain, eCommerce sector) to develop their IT projects. We have helped customers like Kreditech, Bexio, Tapad, Qvantel, and Cryptonomic. We have a 5/5 score on Clutch – check it out here.

For our clients, Scalac’s teams deliver exceptional tech skills, along with a lot of empathy, as one of our customers said himself here.

Does it sound like your dream work ?
Apply Today!

Any other questions?

Here you can find answers to the most common questions

If you work remotely, how do you keep track of employees' work hours?

We are using tools like Clockify, Spreadsheets – it depends on every project. We have information from our clients that they need our developers for the full-time/specific tasks. We are working following these guidelines entering a specific number of hours into a worksheet.

Is cooperation other than B2B possible?

In the case of international contacts (with candidates and companies outside of Poland), only B2B contracts are possible. In Poland, it is possible to choose between B2B, a contract of employment, and a term contract.

What if I didn’t get any feedback yet?

If you are waiting for the feedback or need to have it quicker (because e.g., you are at the final stage of another recruitment process), please let your recruiter know by writing an email. The technical part of our process is conducted by our developers who are in the commercial projects at the same time, so sometimes they don’t have enough time to check it ASAP and need a little bit more time :) We are only human, and although we try not to forget about anything, sometimes it might happen, so feel free to contact us if you’re concerned about anything.

We also want to highlight that you don’t have to worry if you didn’t receive any feedback yet and think that you have been excluded from the recruitment process. We always get back to our candidates, regardless of what kind of news we have for them. Also, at the end of our recruitment process, we always ask about your feedback because we want our candidates to have an actual impact on the process, and we are always looking for new ways to improve.

Do we sign a contract for a specific project? What's next after the project ends?

We are hiring people to our company for permanent contracts, not for specific projects. We don’t know which project will be the best for the candidate at the recruitment process stage. We will decide it during the onboarding process with Project Managers and Business Development teams. When your project ends, we are looking for another one for you, and during this time, you will be responsible for our internal projects, helping in recruitment, writing blog posts, etc. – it depends on the current situation :)

Do I have to do the technical task immediately after a discovery talk?

You can choose the perfect day to receive the task at the end of the Discovery talk. The recruiter will ask you about the most convenient time. Scalac developers create the task, and we start counting 3, 5, or 7 days from the moment we send it to you (the number of days will be shown in the instruction to the task and mentioned during Discovery talk). After you complete it, send it back to the recruiter with information that you are ready to review :)

Why are the technical task and technical conversation separated?

For us, it is crucial to have the best people on board with a strong technical background who will fit our company culture. All steps of the recruitment process allow us to check it properly and ensure that both sides will be satisfied with a decision made regarding cooperation. The technical task shows us your coding skills, and technical conversation can show us your understanding of knowledge that you gained and your ability to explain to another person your point of view – we really appreciate this skill because we would like you to work as a consultant for our clients.

If I join Scalac, how will I receive my payment?

The short answer is we use SWIFT transfers for our remote employees, and we cover all the costs. Here you can find a whole article that explains it all in detail The Most Common Questions About Payments And Contracts

Still in doubt? Feel free to contact me!

hire dedicated scala developer
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