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    Latest Blogposts

    29.04.2024 / By  Matylda Kamińska

    Scalendar May 2024

    Event-driven Newsletter Welcome to our May 2024 edition of Scalendar! As we move into a bustling spring, this issue brings you a compilation of the most anticipated frontend and software architecture events around the globe. With a particular focus on Scala conferences in May 2024, our newsletter serves as your guide to keep you updated […]

    23.04.2024 / By  Bartosz Budnik

    Kalix tutorial: Building invoice application

    Scala is well-known for its great functional scala libraries which enable the building of complex applications designed for streaming data or providing reliable solutions with effect systems. However, there are not that many solutions which we could call frameworks to provide every necessary tool and out-of-the box integrations with databases, message brokers, etc. In 2022, Kalix was […]

    17.04.2024 / By  Michał Szajkowski

    Mocking Libraries can be your doom

    Test automation is great. Nowadays, it’s become a crucial part of basically any software development process. And at the unit test level it is often a necessity to mimic a foreign service or other dependencies you want to isolate from. So in such a case, using a mock library should be an obvious choice that […]

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