DevOps Services

Your Development Operations in Scalac Experts hands!

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Why you should consider outsourcing DevOps services?

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
Monitoring and Logging
Security and Compliance
Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
Containerization and Orchestration
DevOps Consulting and Training
Cloud Services
Battletested Experts

They trusted us

Development Operations - how we can help

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

Automate Your Pipelines: We help you set up automated pipelines that integrate and deploy your code seamlessly. This reduces manual errors and speeds up the release process.

Tools and Best Practices: We leverage industry-leading tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI, and CircleCI, combined with our deep knowledge of best practices, to ensure your CI/CD pipelines are robust and efficient.

Faster Feedback Loop: By automating testing and deployment, we provide a faster feedback loop for your development team, allowing them to identify and fix issues quickly, thus improving the overall quality of your software.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Consistency and Repeatability: With IaC, we help you define your infrastructure using code, ensuring that your environments are consistent and can be easily replicated.

Scalable Management: Tools like Terraform, Ansible, and CloudFormation allow us to manage your infrastructure at scale, making it easy to provision, update, and tear down environments as needed.

Version Control: By treating your infrastructure configurations as code, we enable version control, making it easy to track changes and collaborate on infrastructure design.

Monitoring and Logging

Proactive Monitoring: We set up comprehensive monitoring solutions using Prometheus, Grafana, and Nagios, providing real-time visibility into your system's performance.

Centralized Logging: With tools like the ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana), we centralize your logs for easier analysis and troubleshooting.

Alerting and Insights: Our solutions include robust alerting mechanisms to notify you of potential issues before they become critical, along with detailed insights to help you understand system behavior and performance.

Cloud Services

Cloud Migration: We assist with seamless migration to cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, ensuring minimal downtime and disruption.

Cloud Management: Our experts manage your cloud infrastructure, optimizing for performance, cost, and security.

Hybrid Solutions: For organizations needing a mix of on-premises and cloud solutions, we design and implement hybrid cloud architectures that leverage the best of both worlds.

Security and Compliance

Integrated Security: We incorporate security practices into every stage of the DevOps pipeline, from code analysis to environment configuration.

Compliance Standards: Our team ensures your systems comply with industry standards and regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI-DSS.

Continuous Monitoring: We provide continuous security monitoring to detect and respond to threats in real-time, keeping your data and applications safe.

Containerization and Orchestration

Docker Expertise: We help you containerize your applications using Docker, ensuring they run consistently across different environments.

Kubernetes Orchestration: Our Kubernetes solutions manage the deployment, scaling, and operations of containerized applications, providing high availability and fault tolerance.

Microservices Architecture: We design and implement microservices architectures that make your applications more modular, scalable, and easier to manage.

DevOps Consulting and Training

Tailored Consulting: Our DevOps consulting services are tailored to your organization's specific needs, helping you identify and implement the best strategies for your DevOps transformation.

Hands-on Training: We offer hands-on training sessions to upskill your team in DevOps tools and practices, ensuring they can effectively manage and maintain the systems we put in place.

Ongoing Support: Beyond implementation, we provide ongoing support to help you continuously improve your DevOps processes and address any challenges that arise.

How does outsourcing DevOps services work?

Step 01
scala support
You send us a request via website form
We respond in up to 7 hours
Step 02
cost to hire scala developers
We schedule a 30 min call to better understand your needs
Discovery call
Step 03
scala experts
Within 1 business day we prepare an offer and send you the first bunch of profiles to review.
Step 04
cost to hire scala developers
When you find the right candidate we sign a contract and start onboarding developers.
Step 05
Kafka consulting
We schedule interviews with selected candidates
1-2 business days
Step 06
scala developers for hire
In parallel we work on a contract frame agreement
We have ready-to-go template standards on the market
Step 01
scala support
You send us a request via website form
We respond in up to 7 hours
Step 02
cost to hire scala developers
We schedule a 30 min call to better understand your needs
Discovery call
Step 03
scala experts
Within 1 business day we prepare an offer and send you the first bunch of profiles to review.
Step 04
cost to hire scala developers
When you find the right candidate we sign a contract and start onboarding developers.
Step 05
Kafka consulting
We schedule interviews with selected candidates
1-2 business days
Step 06
scala developers for hire
In parallel we work on a contract frame agreement
We have ready-to-go template standards on the market

Benefits of working in a Team Extension model:


Short term/long term contract

You can just sign a contract for a specific task or project. You can go for long-term assistance as well.



You can either have your own team mixed with ours, or you can hire the whole team from us. You can quickly scale up or down.


Saves you time and money

Hiring people takes time, it also costs a lot (not only salaries but also taking into account insurance, benefits, holidays, etc.). Outsourcing gives you the best people faster and cheaper.


Same culture

European mindset is quite similar to the US. Which makes it very easy to communicate.


Share risks

Outsourcing the whole project means you share responsibility and risks. It’s our duty to deliver - we take care of onboarding devs, scaling the team when needed.


Take advantage of specialized, trained, and certified professionals

We take care of training our people, to make sure their skills are always up to date. It’s our cost, not yours.

Client Reviews

They were able to quickly become acquainted with highly complex requirements and always delivered on time.

Rami Akkad
Technology Strategy COO,  SAP

The platform we built with Scalac, Inc. was absolutely transformative for our company.

Benno Kittelmann
Software Engineer,  Elemica

We appreciate their flexibility and ability to handle work independently if needed.

Vishakh Vishakh
CTO,  Cryptonomic

The team was also highly knowledgeable in the technology stack that they used.

Pawel Cejrowski
Senior Software Engineer,  Tapad



Trusted by Leading Companies

Fintech payroll cloud solutions

Scalac and Bexio: Delivering Exceptional Tech Expertise

In this case study, you’ll learn how Scalac helped Bexio expand its software app for small businesses by developing and integrating a powerful set of payroll tools.
Outsource Scala Development

Building an Ultra-Low Latency Message Broker Supporting Tree Data Structures

Scalac helped Ematiq build an ultra-low latency message broker capable of processing 50k leaf updates per second.
Case Study Liga Digital

How to achieve high scalability of services infrastructure and CI/CD processes.

One of our clients, Liga Digital, an ERP software company, was struggling with achieving high scalability, reliability and observability in their products.

Let’s talk about your project


    We will reach out to you in less than 48 hours
    to talk about your needs.



    We will perform a free tech consultation
    to see which stack fits your project best.



    We will prepare the project estimate in 3 days
    including the scope, timelines, and costs.


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