31.05.2023 / By 

Scalendar June 2023

Get ready for an action-packed June with the exciting lineup of events focusing on Frontend Development, Scala & functional programming, and Architecture! 🚀 Whether you’re a coding wizard, a Scala enthusiast, or an architecture aficionado, there’s something here to inspire and expand your knowledge. Here’s a sneak peek at what’s coming up this month: Scala […]

19.04.2022 / By 

Meet Immer.js - the immutability helper

In recent years the Front-End world has been shaken by the emergence of a lot of libraries and frameworks based on web components, which have flooded pages that until then had been based on jQuery and Backbone. Between those, and the arrival of React and its states, doors opened up to a brand new reactive […]

15.11.2021 / By 

React.js meets Scala - backend for React Native

The React library has been building its recognition and functionality already for eight years. We know that it is very beneficial for frontend developers, but ​​what role does the Scala programming language play in this? Can Scala be a backend for React Native? React debuted over eight years ago on March 1, 2013. The latest […]

01.11.2021 / By 

Apps built with React Native - Uber Eats and Airbnb

How to create an application that will meet the requirements of today’s times? Fast and straightforward operation from every corner of the world is the priority of today’s applications. However, for its structure to be appropriate and modern, it is worth delving into its inner side and starting with what you cannot see at first […]

04.10.2021 / By 

Why you may want to use React

Since its release in 2011, React JS framework has taken the web development world by storm. For example, in the Stack Overflow survey for 2021, React was picked as the most often used framework by developers and the one most developers want to learn. Why? Because with React JS, building user-friendly interfaces for websites and […]

19.08.2021 / By 

ReScript for React Development

Intro Frontend development is a bustling place, with a lot of new technologies coming in and out. During the last decade, we have seen a definite shift in the way web pages are developed. We no longer have to touch DOM API directly or play around with awkward Angular dependency injection. Currently, we heavily use […]

18.10.2019 / By 

Angular(JS) like it's 2019

You must have been asleep (for a few years at least) because Angular 7.x is already here and you’re still stuck on AngularJS. Or maybe it’s just that your codebase is so damn large you can’t face wasting years of your life rewriting it all at once? Fear not! It’s not that bad. You can (and should!) upgrade to Angular 7 step by step, or you can do it while leaving your old code in place, working with the latest Angular shipping new features.

12.09.2019 / By 

We hAkked Tezos! ...and created a Frontend data visualization app

We live in an era of cryptocurrencies, and there’s no escaping it. It’s already happening, and if there’s one thing that represents well what’s going to happen next, it’s blockchain. That’s why during the Cryptonomic NYC Hackathon we decided to try and visualize tezos transactions on the frontend side.

16.01.2019 / By 

Handle Side-Effects with Redux-Saga

13.11.2018 / By 

Discover React Hooks

During the ReactConf 2018 the Hooks were presented and to be honest it has shaken up the React community. If you haven’t seen “React Today and Tomorrow and 90% Cleaner React With Hooks” video yet, then I encourage you to do so. Introducing stateless functional components in React 0.14 allowed us to create a smaller […]