14.09.2017 / By 

JWT Authentication in a React-Redux app

JWT Authentication in a React-Redux app Are you currently working on JWT authentication in React and Redux App? Don’t you know how to handle it? In this article we will cover a sign in process step by step. These days, authentication is very important and commonly used aspect in modern web. It is for identifying […]

05.05.2016 / By 

Managing React state with Redux

The example of Facebook dealing with chat problem shows how important it is to properly manage the state of web applications (and I mean UI state). Facebook tried to synchronize a counter between unread messages and currently open chatboxes which caused lots of problems for the users.

03.03.2016 / By 

Introduction to webpack with ES2015 and React

The good old days when a webpage had just few JavaScript and CSS files are gone, now our web apps grow bigger and more complex every year. And how to manage and develop all that code? First was Grunt but quickly replaced with Gulp and Browserify, which are great. But configuring them properly takes too much time. Fortunately for us […]

16.02.2016 / By 

React vs Angular 2 - compare the incomparable?

JWT Authentication in a React-Redux app Are you currently working on JWT authentication in React and Redux App? Don’t you know how to handle it? In this article we will cover a sign in process step by step.

21.12.2015 / By 

Require function in self-hosted ClojureScript

Replumb is a new library we decided to hack together as single point of reference for future implementations of ClojureScript self-hosted REPLs. At the moment its current version is displayed in all its beauty on clojurescript.io. The ClojureScript community has already put in a huge amount of effort in order to introduce this very cool feature of having […]

10.12.2015 / By 

Looking into Scala.js

Introduction This blog post was created to see how Scala.js is holding on and having some fun with programming. I decided to do a simple mini-game using Scala.js and Three.js libraries. I will explore Scala.js from a practical perspective. You’ll see the perks of using typed languages in frontend. We are also going to take […]

02.04.2015 / By 

Functional programming on frontend with React & ClojureScript

Introduction I have been working and evaluating popular JavaScript frameworks such as AngularJS, Polymer, Ember and also emerging WebComponents for quite some time. In this blog post I will show advantages of React way of building scalable and well performing web applications with taste of functional programming. In this tutorial we will introduce basics of […]