
Diving into ScalaCon space


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In the age of the internet and rapidly developing technologies, new and improved ideas related to using programming languages are accumulating. One event tasked with facilitating work and gathering fans of this interest is the ScalaCon conference, sponsored by ScalaDays and Scala eXchange representatives.

ScalaCon last took place in May 2021, and the next event is scheduled for November 2nd-5th, 2021.

ScalaCon conference

Scala eXchange is one of the largest Scala conferences in Europe, aimed at presenting all applications of the Scala programming language in current projects or those that will be undertaken in the coming years.

On the other hand, ScalaDays program is the perfect solution for programmers and technology specialists to share their ideas related to applications, websites, and other systems. This conference has allowed Scalac to drastically spread its wings, becoming one of the current top Scala Development Companies.

What does ScalaCon represent?

ScalaCon 2021 – Virtual conferences by Scala Days and Scala eXchange

ScalaCon is a series of virtual conferences that gather fans of the Scala programming language from around the World. It is organized by people who participate in ScalaDays and Scala eXchange. The intertwining of these two different conferences allows for a comprehensive presentation of Scala issues, problems, and tips.

The team of ScalaCon speakers involves Martin Odersky (creator of the Scala software language), Felienne Hermans, Sebastian Doeraene, Leandro Bolivar, Juliano Alves, and many others.

A complete list of participants is available here:

The list contains people with a wide variety of experiences such as software engineers, Scala functionalities, Scala authors, programmers, software architects, and technical directors. ScalaCon can lower the risk of reducing work efficiency and allow navigation through many levels of technology and its specific chapters. Moreover, it dispels all doubts and strives for the most sensible and transparent solutions to issues and the completion of the undertaken project.

ScalaCon works with a wide range of brands, media sponsors, and organizing hosts.

On the list of sponsors, we can find, Hootsuite, Paclink Simply Shipping, M1 Finance, Signify Technology, Virtuslab, Disney, Jet Brains, Swiss Borg, and Commercetools, among others.

A complete list of sponsors is available here:

So, getting to the heart of the matter, what topics were covered at the last ScalaCon in May 2021 from 18th-21st?

ScalaCon 2021: the nuts and bolts

#1 Scala 3 landing

Martin Odersky informs us in his speech that after eight years of hard work, the third version of Scala is now available. Over the last years, 100 people have shared their ideas to result in a positive conclusion. He gives the exact timeline of the course of implementing activities that he has carried out together with his team. Martin Odersky emphasizes how, through constant attempts and observation of the older Scala 2, they introduced innovative solutions into the next version. Particular attention is paid to the fact that Scala 3 is easier to scale, learn and, above all, to use.

There is also the question of whether or not the latest version can be called a new programming language? To this question, Martin Odersky replied that the process takes time but does not entirely deny the statement. This speech also presents books from the Scala series, which allow you to delve into its subject matter even more thoroughly. Finally, it gives clear hints and hooks that will help you find information about Scala faster.

#2 How to read complex code 

Many programmers struggle with the problem of correctly reading complex code. It turns out that a large proportion of them unnecessarily spend as much as 58% of their working time on this, according to Felienne Hermans.

In the virtual conference, she delves into the cognitive processes of codes and the functions they perform. It introduces us to various practical techniques that make reading and understanding selected code fragments easier. It shows how you can save your time and avoid unnecessary problems with misinterpretation, which will effectively improve the quality of your work.

Felienne also refers to how our brain assimilates information. She focuses on the importance of short- and long-term memory and how they translate into working memory. Felienne emphasizes that long-term memory diametrically affects our perception of the World and the ideas and solutions that our minds create.

#3 Scala’s future as seen by VirtusLab’s Scala 3 team 

At the ScalaCon conference hosted by Paweł Dolega and Krzysztof Romanowski, we have the chance to find out that Scala is also caring for its ecosystem. Both hosts, who are associated with the software development company VirtusLab, emphasize that, thanks to the new version 3 of Scala, the process of creating a friendly and slightly more efficient and inclusive ecosystem is possible. They present a division of support for organizations and companies that intend to migrate to Scala 3, and inform about critical areas that may slow down the process of its introduction. VirtusLab also emphasizes the importance of working with Martin Odersky of EPFL and the Scala Center, which helped develop the project. They also assure us that there will probably be more people involved in order to adequately handle the Scala ecosystem.

What can ScalaCon give you?

ScalaCon combines the goals of motivation to acquire knowledge and continuous improvement of one’s qualifications. It presents the new possibilities associated with the latest version of Scala 3, which is an improvement on many levels that took several years. It allows for the creation of a more pleasant environment in which working with a programming language can become more accessible and enjoyable. The ScalaCon website has several articles related to their activities, allowing you to learn more about their cooperation with sponsors and their activities:

There is also an opportunity for willing and motivated people to volunteer, which will ensure that any gaps in knowledge on selected issues can be filled. ScalaCon also organizes workshops, the next of which are called  ‘Akka Streams for Scala ” and ”Essential Effects” and take place October 25th-27th, 2021.

All details are available on the website:

See also

How was Scalac born?

Scalac was established in 2014. Their priority was to solve the issue of Big Data handling. Over the years, this Software house spread its wings and started working at total capacity. Scalac has cooperated with many innovative companies around the World. Being able to boast over 36 experts in various types of technology is related to the increasingly better development of their projects. In 2019, they celebrated the 5th anniversary of establishing their headquarters at the ScalaDays conference.

What exactly is Scalac?

Scalac is a Software house focused on functional programming and data engineering. The Scalac team consists of frontend and backend programmers, supported by testers and a DevOps team that deals with methodologists for combining development and operation, i.e. creating synergies between the software development and systems management departments. 120 people have joined the team in recent years, and this number is continually growing.

Scalac is characterized by several values ​​that guide their team daily.

They include, among others:

  • Team work – supporting efficiency and trust between employees
  • Openness – allowing the sharing of ideas and drawing conclusions
  • Respect – improving quality of life in cooperation with others
  • Proactivity – the greater the appetite for learning, the better
  • Responsibility – to correct mistakes and strive for development
  • Scalacration – a combination of democracy and dictatorship

Scalac’s priority is to provide complex software products that will stay with us for years and allow us to improve our technology department for decades to come.

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Daria Karasek
Daria Karasek

Marketing Hero at Scalac. I strongly believe in creating opportunities rather than waiting for them to come. As befits Scalac team member I'm a hard worker, I always try to do the right thing and have a lot of fun! I'm an awesome friend and content writer, in that order. When I'm out of the office, I love to cook delicious Italian food and play board games with my friends. #boardgamegeek

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