Functional World scala support

Looking at a piece of the Functional World

Functional World scala support

Functional World is a global online event that Scalac created to exist as a place for the programming community and functional freaks who will communicate with people from all over the world. The conference formula is streamed and available on YouTube.

To broaden the horizons beyond the Scala theme which was the main theme of our previously created Scala user group, We set up the Functional Tricity Meetup, which allowed for the support and association of local societies. However, the main goals were to grow a functional programming community and share knowledge with enthusiasts from all around the world. Therefore, our team recreated the meetup into the Functional World conference.

What is the main goal?

The event aims to improve their ideas by sharing them with other people passionate about functional programming. On Functional World, you can find topics related to Scala and, for example, Clojure or Haskell. Our event on the meetup platform has already gained 1074 members. You can see there the articles, access videos, and get information about members.  These numbers keep growing and allow the event to develop and expand its horizons. 

We usually met in Gdańsk at the Olivia Business Center, but these days, the conference is streamed and available on YouTube. In addition, there is an option to ask questions about the event and join the group, following the latest information on upcoming events.

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Functional World Meetups 

Now it’s time to focus on knowledge sharing, the essential aspect of the conference. Let’s look at what you can learn from the three previously mentioned meetups – Functional World, TSUG, and Functional Tricity Meetup.

#1 ZIO Inception

During the first meetup, Vladimir Pakvin, an enthusiast of Scala and functional programming, talked about ZIO inception. He presented how they went from PR to Zio to some developmental discoveries. He defined the concept of ZLayer and introduced its internal elements. At the meetup, there was also a mention of the Scala intersection functions, which improve ego-mood. He pointed out what mistakes not to make during transforming intersections and how easy it is to lose important information during carelessness—providing all the solutions.

Link to the video and graphics:

#2 Exploring ZIO Prelude The game-changer for type classes in Scala

The following speech belongs to Jorge Vasquez. He also participated in the micro.sphere conference ”Exploring-type-level programming in Scala. ” On Functional World he talked about Zio Prelude, The game-changer for type classes in Scala. He demonstrated how ZIO Prelude provides clean, generic Scala code writing. Composing code is no longer problematic – Jorge shows how to eliminate the need to enter a Functor hierarchy. The presentation covers topics such as combining, traversing, validating data structures, and presenting the possibilities offered by working with the new version of ZPure. Simplicity, excellent type inference, and speed make it easier to create the code that ZPURE provides.

Link to the video and graphics:

#3 Functional Programming 101 with Scala and ZIO

Maja Kryżan and Jorge Vasquez took the stage during the last Functional World meetup. Their task was to direct young programmers to become more productive and create modern, efficient applications using functional programming. The recipients could encode simultaneously as organizers by sharing a link with the start code and preparing it later in a text editor or IDE. The main goal of the speakers was to make beginners and advanced programmers aware that there are many ways to speed up their coding activities. The speaker made his email available to anyone who would like to text about the covered cases.

Link to the video and graphics:

Functional Trinity & TSUG Meetups 

#1 Building Reactive Microservices with Akka

At TSUG Meetup, led by Sebastian Bach, we learned how Microservices had influenced distributed applications for centuries. He talked about the reactive applications for entrepreneurs. Sebastian Bach emphasizes the benefits of using microservices, such as:

  • good environment
  • good mindset
  • easier creation of a design concept based on the domain

The speaker also acquaints us with the patterns of communication between Akka and Kafka, which are helpful during e-commerce sales and the construction of transactional microservices.

#2 Micro-scale Scala

Przemysław Pokrywka, a Software engineer and Scala enthusiast since 2007, spoke at the Functional Tricity conference in Gdańsk. He talked about the functionality of Scala and showed how to integrate Scala with the Unix ecosystem without unnecessary bugs. You can find the answers on how you can use Scala to replace scripts and when to do it, to make it work as efficiently and profitably as possible. Przemysław also highlights Scala’s much larger typing than Java’s. FYI: the conference is available in Polish.

#3 ClojureScript in WebDevelopment Introduction

Katarzyna Jastrzębska at the Functional Tricity conference raises the topic of stacks for web applications. She underlines the fact that there are many more possibilities besides using Javascript. Alternatives can be build tools, testing cools, or frameworks. Katarzyna Jastrzębska introduces us to ClojureScript – a tool that allows us to create websites.

Who might be interested in the Functional World?

Functional World conferences and related events, such as TSUG or Functional Tricity, should land on the calendar of every functional programming enthusiast. It contains a lot of practical knowledge and tips to help you develop your creativity in your work.

In the collection of issues, we can find computer programming, Framework Play, Akka, ZIO, Scala Clojure, Java, Functional programming, Clojure, or even JVM languages. Every member of the IT community who wants to develop their skills and broaden their knowledge will find their place in the Functional World community.

To join the event recipients, you need to enter their website for a meetup and follow future, upcoming events. The last meetup took place on June 16, 2021. Stay tuned for the next Functional World meetups. Coming soon!

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Agata Nowak
Agata Nowak

Marketing Specialist at Scalac. At work I value creativity, willngness to learn and good teamwork. Besides, I love to travel, I am piano player and #catlover.

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