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Find new talents through the virtual recruitment

cost to hire scala developers

In times of great demand for jobs, there is a race between recruits for the best positions that will allow them to develop their careers. As a result, the technology industry began to use innovative means and tools to facilitate the selection of a candidate and the employment of talent from a massive pool of candidates through virtual recruitment.

The process of acquiring a new position demands both from the applicant’s side and the person who is to choose the best from the list and then select the final leaders.

Each job applicant is looking for something that will meet his expectations, requirements, and earnings. In addition, there is a desire to present yourself as modern, authentic, and valuable in a company or organization.

Companies can use artificial intelligence (AI) to facilitate the demanding task of finding the perfect employee.

How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Works?

It is evident that using a tool that automatically disqualifies applicants should be used carefully. The main rule is to ensure that your job requirements aren’t too high compared to university degrees. Unfortunately, this choice can cause us to reject many people with remarkable abilities and experience. 

We recommend observing the employees based on AI later to enter the data under which AI will bet on the subsequent recruitment. Such data may include work ethics, results, achievements, or situations that positively influence the entire company or a particular department.

We have started a project which is the new tool It is a system based on artificial intelligence, and its task is to match programmers to emerging projects as accurately as possible., virtual recruitment

 A detailed plan regarding employee career paths and feedback assessments focusing on maximum compatibility will satisfy you. 

The additional functions include time reporting, a profitability calculator, pleasure and profit research, plus an invoice management module. You can learn more about the project at the Web Summit 2021 technology conference, in November in Lisbon.

Attracting candidates

The key to getting along with candidates is openness, honesty, and ensuring that the company is not drowning in bureaucracy and still has passion in the heart. In addition, there are various methods of reassuring the employee, such as fixed-term contracts (stability) or actively contacting a prospective employee before the sealing agreement.

Also, avoid putting pressure on the candidate because it can change his willingness to take a job.

Returning for a moment to the critical issue – qualifications, why is it so important not to discourage the candidate, seeing that his education or experience isn’t a value because of the length? There may be tremendous potential beneath it, and it needs just the right place to flourish. 

Therefore, we should suggest online training to acquire the skills and knowledge needed in the later phase of cooperation. It is possible that if we don’t accommodate for those things, a person with enormous technological talent may just run away from us.

The Millennial generation

Looking at the employed from another angle, we note that we cooperate with the Millennial generation. It means higher expectations for employees because of those born in the “digital breakthrough” years.

They are interested in famous companies and brands that often compete with small businesses – which, in turn, also want to grow and need new faces that will allow them to spread their wings. And maybe years later, a small company may stand on a pedestal next to the biggest names in the technology industry.

How can small businesses attract valuable employees?

An attractive perspective for each potential employee is access to all educational tools and programs, especially in the IT industry. Nowadays, flexible working hours are also popular, giving young talents more room for development and resisting rapid burnout at work. However, while small companies can often afford this course of events, larger companies can face many difficulties due to many responsibilities, projects, and deadlines. 

How can we oppose it? The solution is more straightforward than it may seem. Putting private life and work in an equivalent position! But how can we achieve it? Using remote work or unlimited WOM will allow us to gain greater trust between the employee-employer / manager.

What is more, it will develop the ability to manage work independently. Nurturing the autonomy of the student/ward develops their resourcefulness and personal development, both in the context of work and private life.

The current HR processes more and more often adapt to the expectations of the Millens generation, gaining mutual benefits, especially in virtual recruitment processes. Choices and communication become more accessible thanks to technological communication – in online registration or another form of contact development. 

Are there any other options beyond these?

We are moving away from the issues of stability, a sense of autonomy, and the possibility of development with the different types of training mentioned earlier. We should provide developers with access to the following features.

First, it is crucial to make the programmer aware that he is an integral part of the company. He isn’t only a pawn, but his contribution is as vital as other workers. Second, he should feel appreciated knowing about accepted creativity – working on his projects during work time. Such a thing may be beneficial for your business, as any adequately prepared project has a chance to triumph. Third, we should care more about preventing monotony: like taking up more extensive and challenging projects for programmers.

Moving on to the more personal things – respect and cooperation should be on the agenda. A well-communicated team is guided by the principle of equality and respect for each other. Furthermore, a specific driving force of motivation for technological professionals is bonuses. And last but not least, don’t forget about the slightly more private side of work – integration with employees outside of work, which can be ensured through cyclical integration department outputs.

All of the issues mentioned above are always great for the standard work model. However, in the current situation, remote work and virtual recruitment is a safer form of work and can be as effective as a stationary one.

So, is it possible to establish a bond through electronics?

The beginnings of a career in a company may be difficult. However, if they occur strictly in an office or some other business place, the conditions are conducive to faster and simpler adaptation for organizational culture.

To maintain the optimal communication and employee development level, we should take a specific, strategic action. Opinions on remote work are divided. One party claims that they are very comfortable (they save, e.g., time to get to the workplace), while the other party may think this is something, which disturbs the structure of work and harms well-being. 

Virtual recruitment process & onboarding

virtual recruitment

How can we ensure that recruitment is still as effective as possible and evokes positive feelings in the candidates?

Virtual recruitment, hiring, and onboarding are almost our everyday life. So at first, it might seem like a difficult task. But if we meet a few points, the job can also be as fruitful as real-world meetings. Introducing several-stage recruitment – can be a significant step. Contacting the candidate by text message, telephone, and later with the final online meeting – allows you to break the barrier caused by virtual contact.

In addition, thanks to this work model, we no longer have to limit ourselves to employees living in the same city or a nearby town. We can employ people from all over the world, with different experiences, someone who may turn out to be a fantastic technological talent. We could not previously recruit for a position because the place is too far away. Extending recruitment to an international, national or global level – will allow for advertisements attracting more candidates.

In remote contact, you can often omit specific issues caused by various factors, e.g., fear in a new employee who doesn’t feel confident because of his lack of onboarding. Therefore, you must inform him thoroughly and as quickly as possible about his duties.

And once again, paying attention to ‘ ‘building bonds’’ between employees, it is worth introducing your current colleagues to the recruitment process and getting to know a new programmer. Organizing private and slightly more formal meetings at a later stage will allow for tightening of ties – and it will be a great charm for the onboarding mechanism.


One of the most important conclusions is that the hybrid and remote work model doesn’t mean finding technological talents is off the table. On the contrary, good organization and providing the employee with what connects a given company allows for development. Furthermore, you can easily take care of appropriate communication and advertising of the company. 

Therefore, there is still an excellent chance for new diamonds in the circle of employees. While using innovative tools such as, artificial intelligence, we can make our work a bit easier. But we shouldn’t forget that personal commitment is also essential, apart from the technological issues that give more order to the recruitment process.

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Agata Nowak
Agata Nowak

Marketing Specialist at Scalac. At work I value creativity, willngness to learn and good teamwork. Besides, I love to travel, I am piano player and #catlover.

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